orto Azzurro It is located at the foot of the promontory culminating in the fortress of Longone (also known as St. Jacob), built by Philip II of Spain in 1563.

The small centre, marina and faces the greater inlet of the eastern side, looks picturesque, with streets uphill, small stone facades, striking angles and a large square that is mirrored in the waters of the port. The center of ancient Longone is dominated by the mighty fortress stellata.

Towards the early seventeenth century Porto Azzurro was part, along with Talamone and Orbetello, Stato dei Presidi , the unique means by which the Spanish monarchy controlled the main streets of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

In the past the economy Porto Azzurro was based mainly on agriculture and fisheries, while today the sector with more development and from which the inhabitants derive most of the profits is tourism. Like the rest of the island, also rich in this area considerable beaches as Barbarossa, The Red and Royal, is equipped to accommodate tourists everywhere, there are many structures and seaside hotel that have arisen over the entire island.

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